I am Oliver Rinne. I am a traditional and digital artist who creates art from the perspective of a transgender man. I grew up with art being a large part of my family with both my mother and father being artists in graphic design and my Opa (paternal grandfather) being a traditional painter. For me, art has never not been present in my life and ultimately became the outlet for intense emotions and experiences happening in my life. My art gives me a sense of stability in our ever-changing world.

Typically, I create my artwork in my room considering it’s my safe space. I tend to sketch wherever, but I find it easier to sketch as soon as I have a concept regardless of where I’m at. However, when it comes to completing the sketch, whether that be rendering it with paint, shading it, etc., I work at my desk to keep the process organized and easy to navigate. One necessary aspect to my process would include playing music while I’m creating. I tend to listen to the same playlist of Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, She Wants Revenge, and many other musicians because their music inspires me to create pieces that have more meaning for myself rather than focus on how it translates or satisfies those viewing my artwork. As for my preferred medium, at the moment I really love to work with oil paints and pencil. I’ve always focused on portraiture because I feel as though there is much to be said with portraits and the emotions they can translate to not just myself, but for those viewing my artwork. However, more recently I’ve been actively trying to expand my horizons and work on anatomy to challenge myself to show emotions in my art through body movement as well as to refine my own style.


I can’t specifically place a single influence for my art as I admire a plethora of artists from Francis Bacon to Robert Gober. The artists that influence my work don’t solely influence my work based on their techniques, but how they portray incredibly intense and necessary topics throughout their work. They have given me courage to create art that involves topics like mental health, abuse, and the struggles of being transgender because they are topics that are prevalent and almost all consuming in my life. I strive to create artwork that shows a realistic side of the struggles and triumphs in my life to create a space for others to find a connection that validates their own experiences. In addition, I want to create art that allows others to feel seen as I have felt seen by the artists that influence my work.